Tango-DJ.at Tango Argentino
Tangomarathon: Austrian Alpine Abrazo

Alpine Abrazo 2014 program:


You may also download your Alpine Abazo 2014 program as PDF document!


Program & schedule

Dancing & DJ-lineup

Die Eröffnungsmilonga am Donnerstag ist auch für nicht registrierte Tangotänzer offen, die restlichen Veranstaltung nur für registrierte Teilnehmer. Interessierte Nicht-Tänzer sind herzlich eingladen jederzeit vorbei zu schaun!

The Welcome Milonga on Thursday is open to guests and included for Alpine Abrazo participants. There will be a special treat as well: Each of our DJs will put music for about one hour - a perfect introduction of our DJ-lineup!

Then there are 5 more long Milongas taking place:


Recommended Hiking Tour - Wolliger Hütte - Auernig

click to zoom

Sadly it looks like we missed the nice weekend by one week again - 26./27 October temperature in Mallnitz was up to 25°. Weather forecast for the upcoming weekend seems to be not too tempting. Anyway if weather turns out to be good enough on Friday we'd recommend you to consider the following hiking tour:


You can start walking from the village center. For hiking to Wolliger Hütte or Auernig meeting at 10:00h at the village center (marked A on the map on the how to get there page) should be fine. For Wolliger Hütte only you could start later as well. Following walking times should be fine for average hikers:

If you make it up to Auernig you will be rewarded with an amazing top-down-view of Mallnitz lying to your feet. But also Wolliger Hütte by itself is a lovely hut offering very nice home made food, local products as well as a lovely view down to Obervellach. You could meet there in the afternoon to enjoy a typical local hut, food and hopefully a nice view!

Alternative - crossing over Auernig:

For rather experienced hikers you could take the "Jägersteig" (hunter's trail) going straight up from Mallnitz to Auernig. That's a steep trail and you need to have good shoes for that one. Then you can go down via Wolliger Hütte to join others coming from the other side.

Map for crossing over Auernig at bergex.at.


Catering - included dinners, food & drinks

Catering will be provided by Raineralm (a small local hut) and Hotel Albers (AMA certified).

Please note: We can not provide a buffet where everybody can have everything. We have to ask you to choose one of the given dishes for dinner.

Friday welcome snack 18:00-21:00:


Friday midnight 1:00-2:00:


Saturday dinner 19:00-21:00:


Saturday midnight 1:00-2:00:


Sunday dinner 19:00-20:00:


In addition to the warm meals we will provide you throughout the marathon with:

Non alcoholic beverages included throughout the marathon free of charge:

Alcoholic beverages can be obtained reasonably priced from our bar:



We are very glad that Melanie Krainer (phone: +436769406296) will be with us again this year. She is going to offer massages within the same building where Alpine Abrazo takes place. Please reserve your massage in the schedule which we will provide at the welcome desk or at the entrance of the bath on ground floor later on!